Eternal Flopnation

About the game: An infinite platformer where you swipe to jump between bodies of water, avoiding land masses and hungry birds.  Swim for the (always just out of reach) surface in this game about a fish who doesn't know when to quit.  Tap on the left or right side of the screen to influence your horizontal velocity when in the air.  

My role: I created the prototype for this game during the summer of 2014 and it's the first game I ever worked on. I created the music, programmed random level generation, random enemy spawning, and designed and implemented all gameplay elements.  In 2016, I led a team of two other programmers and an artist to create a much more polished and feature-complete version for iOS and Android. I held weekly meetings, performed art and code reviews, and designed new gameplay features.  I also programmed the enemy tracking system, parallax background effect, the tutorial system, and numerous bug fixes.


The game is available now on Google Play and temporarily unavailable from the Apple App Store.