Pitati: A SPace Odyssey

About the game: A research-oriented game for visualizing systems of Boolean equations.  The thought is that human players equipped with these visual layouts and algorithmic solvers could potentially be faster and/or more effective at solving certain Boolean Maximum Satisfiability problems than a program on it's own.  

My role: I worked as the only developer on the project, designing and implementing the game to work with WebGL from scratch in Unity.  I wrote a C++ adapter to call the external C++ algorithm solvers from within the game, passing data back and forth, using Web Workers to allow the game to continue smoothly as the solver runs in the background.  I also set up a dynamic loading system, enabling levels of over 60,000 nodes directly in the browser, redesigned how users interact with the graph, how the nodes are clustered at different zoom levels, and created a fully featured, playable game for use in user studies.  


A beta of the game is playable on PC or Mac using Firefox or Chrome, right here.